Farm Health and Safety

Farm Health and Safety is a legal obligation.

Farming is a dangerous job. It’s also busy, so dealing with health and safety can feel overwhelming. Even if you have less than 5 employees (paid or not; part-time, full-time, occasional or holiday cover) you have a legal obligation to keep them safe.

Should the worst happen, you will have to prove that you have followed legislation and guidance dictated by the HSE and that you have given suitable instruction, information and training to all workers.

We don’t believe that farm health & safety can be ‘fixed’ in one visit. We don’t think that the same generic H&S file churned out time and time again protects you.

Be Reassured with 4R Reassurance

4 Farm visits per year with year-round support

Dedicated member of staff with agricultural experience and knowledge 

Bespoke Farm File with farm-relevant RAMS & SSoW

On-site staff training to help with staff interaction 

Farmer-friendly action plan we help you complete

Monthly Toolbox talks

A flexible approach to meet farming needs

How does Farm Health and Safety work?

Our Farm Health and Safety service is tailored to your farm, and we work with you, whether you are adopting a formal plan for the first time or revising and updating an existing policy.

A comprehensive Farm Health and Safety File is produced for use on the farm as a reference point for H&S guidance, staff training, HSE inspections, and peace of mind.

It includes the following;

  • Bespoke Farm Risk Assessments

  • Farm Yard Inspection

  • Farm Health and Safety Action Plan & Policy

  • Colour Coded Farm Maps and Site Plans

  • Farm Safety COSHH Assessment

  • Staff Induction Records & Training Matrix

  • On-farm training for Staff

  • Facilitate Accredited Staff Training

  • Develop Farm Policies

  • Develop Permit to Work Procedure for High-Risk Activities

Why prioritise farm health and safety?

Prioritising farm health and safety is crucial because it protects the well-being of both farmers and the environment.

By implementing proper farm safety protocols and equipment, farmers can prevent accidents and reduce the risk of injuries, while also ensuring the responsible management of their land.

  • Farm Health and Safety: Protection of human life

    Protection of human life

    Prioritising health and safety is essential to protect the lives and well-being of farmers, farm workers, and visitors. Farms inherently involve potential hazards, including machinery accidents, falls, animal-related incidents, and exposure to harmful substances. Adhering to robust farm health and safety measures significantly reduces the risk of accidents, injuries, and fatalities, creating a secure environment for all individuals on the farm. By implementing and following proper health and safety protocols, farms demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding the welfare of everyone involved.

  • Farm Health and Safety: Legal compliance

    Legal compliance

    In the UK, farms are subject to health and safety regulations, including the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Compliance with these regulations is a legal requirement, and failure to meet health and safety standards can result in severe penalties, fines, and legal liabilities. By adhering to health and safety guidelines, farmers demonstrate their commitment to meeting legal obligations and protecting their workers and visitors.

  • Farm Health and Safety: Employee well-being and morale

    Employee well-being and morale

    Establishing a safe working environment is crucial for enhancing the well-being and job satisfaction of employees. By prioritising health and safety measures, organisations cultivate a positive work culture that nurtures trust and loyalty among employees.

  • Farm Health and Safety: Reputation and public perception

    Reputation and public perception

    Farms that prioritise health and safety establish a positive reputation within their community and the broader public. Customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders are increasingly concerned about the ethical and responsible practices of businesses, including farms.

  • Farm Health and Safety: Risk management and business continuity

    Risk management and business continuity

    Implementing farm health and safety practices helps identify and manage potential risks effectively. By conducting risk assessments, implementing safety protocols, and providing appropriate training, farms can mitigate the likelihood of accidents, property damage, and business disruptions. This ensures continuity of operations and protects the farm's assets and investments.

  • Farm Health and Safety: Financial Benefit of Farm Health and Safety

    Financial Benefit of Farm Health and Safety

    A strong focus on farm health and safety can lead to lower insurance premiums. Also, failure to follow legal compliance can result in penalties, fines, and even legal action. By investing in farm safety measures, farms can ensure compliance, reducing the risk of costly penalties. A strong safety program can help farms avoid expensive litigation resulting from workplace accidents or injuries. By minimising legal risks, farms can protect their financial stability and safeguard their future.